Akhanda Yogam

Akhanda yogam is yogam observed day and night continuously batch by batch by initiated sadhakas to enhance their spiritual progress and also health, inspite of their busy schedules.

Every year Akhanda japam(yogam) at the Asramam starts1st January till Sri Ramananda Paramahamsa birthday, usually falls in March or April.

Gurupooja will be conducted everyday. Guru pooja will be done by Sri Guruji and Ammaji at Sri Swamiji's samadhi Mandir and Sivaji will be doing at Peetham.

Guruji will be delivering lecture parallel to the above program according to the need of the sadhakas participating.

The person who participate in the above program, usually who can sit for an hour will be able to continue yogam for hours together with out his knowledge and effort. One can improve his capacity of doing Yogam. The inspiration comes from Sri Swamiji samadhi and Guruji's blessings. People participate and increase their capacity to do yogam. While doing so, they get solutions for their spiritual journey both in terms of material and spiritual related things.

Guruji talking to sadhakas