Theory of Karma

Prashnopanishat 3-7 and Manusmriti states that according to one’s actions and knowledge they are being born. If one performed sin with body they are being born as the non moving mountains or trees. If sin is performed with actions and words, they are being born as birds and animals. If one commits sin with mind, they are born in lowest forms.

So people who perform virtuous acts go to ‘punya loka’ and become demi gods. People who perform sinful acts go to ‘papa loka’ become ie; ‘tiryagjjati’ animals, birds and beasts. People who have a mix of punya and papa take birth as human being. Prashnopanishat 3-7 This is how we also acquire human birth. B.G 18-12 states that only a yogi who have renounced the fruits of their actions does not accrue or create karma.

Beings in the higher and lower levels to human being, experience karma phala only, and not create any further karmas. But a human being is capacitated by God to not only experience karma phala but also to create new karmas. God gave us discriminating power.

With the help of this discriminating power one is supposed to strive to end this cycle of birth and death. We are not supposed to live like animals without this knowing this goal. Unknowingly people are performing karmas and creating more and more lives.

Everyone have to go through one’s own karma. As far as I know, I did not do anything wrong or committed any sin, still I am facing difficulties and criticism. All this is the result of previous life’s wrong doings. I see so many people doing bad deeds, committing sins, but are living happily, but they will have to suffer their ‘karma phala’ fruits of these actions in the upcoming lives. ‘prarabdham bhogato nashyet’ that means prarabdha annihilates only by experiencing. These are all the statements one makes, to assure themselves of the theory of karma.

Let us get a clear understanding of karma and karma phala. Animals and birds etc that have lower levels of consciousness, hunt and eat the weak, big fish eats small fish etc. but they never think that they are going through karma phala. Just experiencing, that is all. In the same manner in the higher worlds the yakshas, kinneras, kimpurusha etc demi gods experience celestial joys. Once they have exhausted the results of pious activities they return back to either mortal world or ever lower levels of life. B.G 9-21 and Mundakopanishat 1-2-10

There are only two reasons how we get human life. 1. As said by Lord Srikrishna ‘yoga brashtthobhi jayate’ if one dies performing yoga, they will attain human life. B.G 6-43 To attain siddhi in this life by utilizing previous life’s intellect. But we cannot state that everyone is a ‘yoga brashttha’. 2. The jiva going through 8.4 million life forms, in one of the instances it gets human birth. The previous karma decides the upcoming life.
perform actions for punya, some for sense gratification and some hurt and inflict pain to other life forms. Both punya and papa create more lives. Punya = golden shackles, papa = iron shackles.

Only a yogi with his knowledge renounces fruit of actions both punya and papa in this life itself. So yogam teaches one to perform actions without being affected. The yogi does not have to experience phala of prior karmas. Ignorance only makes one believe he is taking births, even though he is the Brahaman himself. Once he attains ‘jnana’ he becomes Brahman. B.G 5-7 says the one that has united with God in consciousness , with purified antahkarana, having control over senses, sees all living beings in himself, and himself in all living souls. With that attitude if one performs actions nothing will affect him.

According to Shandilyopanishat 1-36 for one muhurta ie; 48mts if you can still your mind in between your eyebrows with the help of yogam you will be relived of all papas.

The law of karma does not apply to the one who perform yoga sadhana. It only applies to the people who do not put it their efforts. It is very important to understand the secrets in the theory of karma and turn towards yoga sadhana.

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