Karma hidden truths

Lesson 10 KARMA
What is karma? What is karma yoga? What is desire less action ‘nishkama karma’? Who can perform nishkama karma? ‘kriyate iti karma’ performing action is known as karma. Without prana we cannot do anything. The movements in prana is making us to do karma. The implement with which karma is performed is also called karma.

Param Sadguru Sri Swami Shivananda Paramahamsa stated that the prana vayu that is the life force itself is the karma. The three karmas, karma of the mind, speech and action are caused by these movements of prana vayau, according to Yogavashishtha. No one can live without doing karma even for a moment says B.G Sanyasopanishat 2-21 says that the jiva is bonded by karma and liberated by jnana. B.G 18-5 says that yagnya, daana, tapa should be performed. Sri Krishna also asks Arjuna to get up determined to fight in the war. ‘sukha duhkhe same krutwa labha labhou jaya jayou, tao youddhaya yajyasva naivam papa mavapsyasi’ B.G 2-38 If you fight without considering happiness or sorrow, loss or gain, victory or defeat, then you will not be affected by sin.

A karma performed for the fruit of action creates more and more lives. ‘yogastha: kuru karmani sangam tyaktwa dhananjaya, siddhya siddhyo: samo bhutwa samatwam yoga uchyate’ B.G 2-48 Yogacharya Sri Krishna says follow the yoga that creates equanimity, abandon attachment to success or failure, thereby let go of the fruit of action, ’karma phala’. He is not advocating war, but on the other hand he is encouraging the yoga that relives one of the karma phala. ‘Karmaneva adhikarasthe’ you have a right on action only, ’ma phaleshu kadachana’ not on the fruit of action.
‘yogastha kuru karmani’ means perform actions with yoga.

According to Manusmruti, Karmas are two types, pravrutti and nivrutti. Pravtutti karmas are worldly activities that encourage the cycle of birth and death. Nivrutti are karmas that engage in the jnana ie; yoga karma. ‘yogatsanjayate jnanam’ Trishikhi Brahmanopanishat only through yoga one can attain jnanam. People are confused not knowing what is karma and akarma. Even some inexperienced vedantins are confused. They are asking people to perform rituals that trap them in the cycle of samsara.

What is karma yoga? Normally we say all activities are karma yoga Trishikhi Brahmanopanishat18, says karma yoga is the karma that stills the mind. Mind is moving due the movements in the prana vayau. The karma that restricts the movements of prana vayu or pranayama is karma yoga. Both karma sanyasa ie; renunciation of work and karma yoga, performing karma for yogam both are good for liberation, but among these two karma yoga is best says B.G 5 -2 Karma yoga is going inward antarmukha karma. Coming out from the original state is karma, going back to its origin is karma yoga.

What is nishkama karma? Desire less action is nishkama karma. How to perform any action without desire? Who can do it? It is possible says sruti. With mind firmly established in seat of the soul with the help of pranayama, doing actions with limbs is nishkama karma. That yogi will not be affected by karma. He is nishkama karma yogi.

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