
Lesson 2 Body (Sharira)
‘Shiryate iti sharira’ that which decays is body or sharira. ‘Dahya te iti deha’ that which can be burnt is body. It is formed with air in the form of life-force and is burnt with the aid of air. Even though the body is temporary it helps one to realize the Universal Spirit. Human body is the most needed and sacred creation. It is very important for a Sadhaka to protect this body. ‘Deho devalaya: prokto jivo deva sanatana:’ Uttara Gita 4 -27. The sanatana jiva that resides in the body is God.

One should get rid of ignorance and realize I am That with the aid of Sadhana. This body is nourished with food and life-force. For an ordinary person devoid of any of these two, body deteriorates. Scriptures state that only a yogi can protect the body and relive himself of the sins. If one practices the siddha pranayama at all times as prescribed by the scriptures digestive fire improves and thereby increases nutrition of bodily humors or tissue. (dhatu). Due to the increase of the seven humors (Sapta Dhatu ) ie; plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and seminal fluid knowledge happens.

The food in the abdomen is digested due to practice of yoga. The body along with the 7 humors should be strengthened with the aid of yogagni. All diseases are vanished. When coal is heated to a certain degree it becomes a diamond, in that way his body becomes strong like a diamond (vajrakaya) like Anjaneya. He is a maha yogi.

So the body should be protected with yogam. Digestive juices becomes blood, sukla, ojas and tejas. We are using this precious human body like a rented car. We are putting food as gas and running it on the roads of drusya prapancha experienced by senses. We are getting this samsara as remuneration . Even that we are using it to get another car in next life ie; we die and leave this body. Not just leave this body, we have to merge jiva and brahma in the buddhi guha and leave the gross, subtle and casual bodies (deha traya). In vendanta several places it is stated that the one that leaves the body reaches me, that is, leaving the 3 bodies. In other words going beyond waking, dream and deep sleep states and reach ‘turiyam’ in between the eyebrows.

The sadhaka should never avoid food. Yoga sadhana decides how much food is needed. In later stages, lifeforce itself becomes food. According to scriptures a yogi gets over sorrows by moderate eating, recreation and sleep. B.Gita 6-17 It is very difficult to attain a human body, so we have to make this human life meaningful with this body. ‘punah gramam, punah kshetram, punarvittam, punah gruham, punah shubha ashubha karma, na shariram punah punaha’ Garuda purana You can earn back villages, lands, wealth, house, auspicious and inauspicious deeds. But to get this sacred body is utmost difficult.

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