
Lesson 1 INWARD JOURNEY (Antarmukha) print

Antarmukha is withdrawing consiousness inward towards its origin, inward journey. There are two types of inward movements. Inward upward and Inward downward.

We experience these 2 stages every day. Inward downward in deep sleep, inward upward in waking state. This upward movement is a must for everybody to increase life force. To release blocks to move upwards phlegm should be removed. Heat created in pranayama ie; yogagni. dissolves the blocks and upward movement happens. So, our aim is to increase life force. Pranayama is the method. Prana = life force, ayama = extending or lengthening.

Every disease is PSYCHOSOMATIC. PSYCHO means mind and SOMA means body. We are trying to treat the bodily part of the disease only. Slow blood circulation results in accumulation of secretions and phlegm which are responsible for infections and chronic non communicable diseases like DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PARALYSIS, BRONCHIAL ASTHMA, loss of MEMORY, ARTHRITIS and so on… During practice of this Pranayama we hear sound which is called as OM/AUM and heat is generated which is yogagni. It burns all impurities resulting SOUND MIND in a SOUND BODY. So both the PSYCHIC and SOMATIC parts of the disease are dealt with by YOGAM.

Therefore a Yogi alone can get perfect health and spiritual knowledge reaching the goal i.e. SALVATION [MUKTI].

IDA and PINGALA Nadis are subtle (micro) channels of vital energy and they are channels of subtle body (sukshma deham). They cannot be seen with the naked eye. A YOGI can practically feel them.

Consciousness is of four types Jagrit- consciousness, Swapna- Subconsciousness, Deep sleep- Unconsciousness, Thuriyam-Superconsciousness

Normal respirations will be 15 per minute (12 – 18) in a so called healthy individual. During inspiration, we draw air from 8 inches (20 cms)
During Expiration we expel air up to 12 inches (30 cms) In every respiratory cycle, there is 4 inches difference. That means, we are loosing more energy, divine energy 4 inches every expiration. In a minute we are loosing 15x4 inches. In 24 hours we are loosing 86400 inches. This is divine energy, divine knowledge, divine light, and divine happiness.