The Antarmukha Movement is a worldwide spiritual movement to revive the breathing (pranayama) techniques of the ancients. The yogam of pranayama generates mental energy by internal churning (friction) of vital force (prana shakti). This is where we get sound (Om) and subtle energy in the form of heat (yogagni).
Benefits of Yogam- The Techniques of the Antarmukha Movement
Yogam stimulates all cells of the brain with pure oxygenated blood. Impure brain will give rise to impure ideas, which is the source for superstitious (false impressions) which in turn misguides the true seeker away from attaining the spiritual heights. Additionally, research has shown that Inner or Antarmukha breathing also helps in material things, like school studies, job efficiency and made a better individual all around.

You can start your transformative journey by learning this Siddha Yogam called getting initiated into this Brahma Vidya.. You can learn Yogam from home with if you have a telephone. Or you can visit ashramam in Kamannavalasa, AP, India. Siddha Yogam will be initiated and taught by none other than Siddhayogi Sadguru Dr. Swamy Antarmukhananda Guruji himself.

Q: Where is the Ashram?
A: Kamannavalasa– 535578.
Vizianagaram Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India. Google maps:
Q: How do I learn Siddha Yogam?
A: You will learn it from Sadguru Shri Antarmukhananda Swami himself. This is called initiation.

Yogam is not practicing of rituals out of blind belief. Knowledge is evolved out of mind only. But the mind is both matter and not matter too. Material part is always nourished by food. If you remove or burn the material part of mind, his finite sense of body and world will vanish and realize that he is the or Brahman.
Siddhayogi Sadguru Dr. Swamy Antarmukhananda

Siddhayogi Sadguru Dr. Swamy Antarmukhananda reveals the science of inner breathing technique from the scriptures for health and self realization. He is the peetadhipathi of Sri Swamy Ramananda Siddha Yoga Gnana Ashramam, Kamannavalasa, AP, India . He is also the head of the Antarmukha Movement. Guruji tirelessly imparts this brahma vidya to all seekers, irrespective of gender, cast, creed, religion. Additionally, He has been doing this pranayama since 44 years and teaching thousands all around the world since 30 years. Swami not only initiates seekers who come to the ashramam, also reaches out via zoom and initiate people far off places giving seekers around the globe an opportunity live a fulfilled life. To learn more …
Guru Parampara
