Once you have been initiated into Siddha Yogam, these guide lines will help you in your practice.
- Do not drink tea (chai). Coffee (caffeine) or intake should be reduced.
- Yogurt (curds /buttermilk) should not be consumed at night; this causes phlegm.
- It is advisable to drink lukewarm cumin water.
- Avoid tindora, onion, and garlic.
- Overly spicy, salty, sour, hot, and cold foods should not be consumed.
- Do not fast or overeat. Eating chapati, tortilla, or phulka at night instead of rice is advisable.
- Practice yogam daily. There should not be a reason to skip yogam even for a day.
- Sleep early and wake up early. A good sleeping schedule is between 9 PM and 3 AM.
- Initially, keep a gap of 2 hours after meals. However, once you get used to Siddha Yogam, this gap is not needed.
- Speak less. Do not waste your energy.
- To help in your practice listen to and read some books and watch videos in English and Telugu. Visit our Youtube channel here. Read English books here and read Telugu books here.