Sadguru Sri Antarmukhananda Paramahamsa is a purna yogi and a vibrant spiritual leader. Sri Guruji is constantly tilling his disciples’ minds with his sermons and initiating them into the path of self-realization to reap a good crop of introspection, weeding out the evil and negative thoughts, thus facilitating them to bear the fruit of spiritual progress. Sri Guruji, irrespective of the great heights he reached, teaches us the humbleness and humility one needs to possess in life.
Early Life
Guruji was born under the auspicious star of Shravan on the 13th of September 1951 to Shriman Daali Naidu and Shrimathi Lakshmi Narasamma. His name at birth was Vandana Venkateswara Rao. He was born in Buridi Kancharam, a small hamlet in the Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh.
As a child, Venkateswara Rao used to walk 6km every day to the nearby Lolugu village for his primary and secondary education. He gained high honors even this early in life. Because of the motivation and support of his teachers, his parents were convinced to join him in P.U.C (Pre-University-Course) in the prestigious Andhra Loyola college in Vijayawada. He subsequently studied medicine with an M.B.B.S at the Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, where he secured first class. He achieved gold medals in practicals of surgery. Since he was highly inclined to service, Vandana started his career as a private medical practitioner to the girijans (forest tribes) near Sileru (Visakhapatnam District).
After this, he was appointed as the Government doctor in Vizianagaram. During this time, he consented to the desire of his father and tied the knot with Srimati Parvati Devi, our Guru Amma. He was blessed with a daughter and a son.
The Spiritual Awakening
The year 1978 was a turning point in his life. He heard of Sadguru Swami Ramananda Paramahamsa (learn more about him here) from a friend. He had set out to visit him and seek his blessings at the ashram in Kamannavalasa (Vizianagaram District). Sri Guruji was instantly drawn to Swamiji and immediately took to him, with utmost faith and surrender.
Sri Guruji’s faith in Swamiji grew boundless by the day. Swamiji, on recognizing his zeal and un deterring trust, took him into his fold and initiated him into Brahmavidya. Sri Guruji’s life took a different course from that day on. He was always engrossed in spiritual thoughts, with no penchant for worldly affairs. Though his career and work required him to deal with worldly matters, Sri Guruji performed his duties impeccably and disinterestedly. His soul was always at the feet of his Guru, incessantly in his thoughts.
Life With Swamiji
Swamiji recognized this intent devotion of Sri Guruji. As luck would have it, though we choose to believe it was one of Swamiji’s miracles, he was transferred to nearby Badangi. He served there for a period of 15 years. Badangi was a stone’s throw away from the ashram, allowing Guruji to be in constant association with Swamiji. In Swamiji’s presence, he zealously concentrated on the Siddha Yogam taught to him by Swamiji. When he was there, he spent all his time with Swamiji analyzing Vedanta, hence becoming Swamiji’s favorite disciple in a short span of time. Their bonding and relationship grew intense and the two became inseparable.

This led to Guruji moving with his spouse Parvati Devi, daughter Jhansi, and son Siva Rama Krishna to the ashram. The blessed couple’s life was dedicated to the service of Swamiji, and they benefited from association with him.
Sri Guruji refers to our Ammaji’s role in serving Swamiji, and fondly recollects the many times she took meticulous and diligent care of Swamiji’s requirements and attended to him. Swamiji immersed himself in meditation and deep concentration, and she took great care of his food and needs. It is but a divine coincidence that she shares her name with Swamiji’s natural mother.
With the blessings of Swamiji, our Guruji was able to attend to his functions as a doctor and cured many with his treatment. He was recognized for his service and won the award for the Best Medical Officer five times over. After this, he was promoted as the District Medical & Health Officer. Since then, Swamiji was awarded five times consequently for standing as best district in Andhra Pradesh from 2003 to 2007. He retired elevated as the Additional Director in 2008.
The Perfect Disciple
It is no child’s play to stay in the constant presence of great men like Swamiji. Every second is a testing time and a challenge to overcome. Different from and against the principles of the worldly life and materialistic norms, the ways and behavior of the saints is extremely difficult to comprehend and follow. Many a disciple does exist, but rare is the precious gem who completely comprehends the inner meaning of the Guru and religiously practices what the Guru preaches.
The primary and foremost aspect of the relationship between the teacher and disciple is utmost faith in the Guru. Sri Guruji had this kind of faith, which alone had facilitated him to completely inherit Swamiji’s state. Guruji succeeded in every test he was subjected to. Albeit in the face of adverse times, he would focus on the sole object of self-realization and introspective concentrated meditation to attain the state of Oneness, overcoming many an obstacle. Hence, he was a living example to other disciples.
Swamiji used to call Guruji as “Doctor” in his conversations with him. Many a time with others, he would fondly refer to Guruji as “My Doctor, My Doctor” with love and affection. He on several occasions stated “Doctor and I are the same. We are one,” citing and emphasizing the oneness Sri Guruji has attained with Him.
Guruji’s decisions are very strong and stoic like a carved sculptor. His trademark trait is his immense concentration and reverence towards any task he decides to set upon, and the incessant effort he puts in for its achievement. In order to serve the dual purpose of achieving self-realization and serving Swamiji during his lifetime, he exhibited this focused zeal.
Unfailing faith in Swamiji
Guru alone is permanent and constant. Sri Guruji often says he attained the state of self-realization only owing to his unfailing faith in Swamiji. Since our time on this Earth is temporary and transient, we should put our education to good use in the service of the Guru. This is for the recognition of these innate qualities in us.
Sri Guruji continues to say that one should never be completely satisfied in serving his Guru. Disciples are nothing but the manifestation of the Guru himself. The state of Oneness, (advaita) is not a Veda to be orally mastered, but a state of Supreme consciousness that you must attain by focused concentration. Practice of Siddha Yogam and introspection alone shall help in the attainment of the state of self-realization.
Sri Guruji is constantly tilling his disciples’ minds with his sermons to reap a good crop of introspection. He always weeds out the evil and negative thoughts, facilitating them to bear the fruit of spiritual progress.
Guiding Disciples

Swamiji declared Doctor and I are same. We are one “Tvameva Aham”
Being declared “Tvameva Aham” – “You are I” by Swamiji, he is now our beloved Siddhayogi Sadguru Dr. Swamy Antarmukhananda. Sri Guruji is the ‘peetadhipathi’ (leader) of the ashram established by Sri Swamy Ramananda Paramahamsa in the year 1965. He initiates common men at large to the path of “Brahmavidya” through upadesam of Siddha Yogam. Moreover, he has taken over the responsibility and maintenance of the ashram, where he lives with his family.
Although Sri Guruji reached great heights, he teaches us the humbleness and humility one needs to possess in life. Guruji guides us in our duties and responsibilities in the myriad roles of life as a son, husband, father and Guru.
Sri Guruji is constantly guiding his disciples and taking care of their welfare. He sets himself as a living example for us to follow.
Here is a comprehensive list of Guruji’s awards:
- 2004 Government of AP Best Service Certification of Appreciation Award
- 2005 Government of AP Best District Award
- Y Kishore Chandra Dev Member of Parliament Award
- 2007 Asajyothi Award
- District Health and Medical Officer
- Rajiv Excellence Award
- Best Doctor Award- Minister Pathiwada Narayana Swami Naidu
- Best Doctor Award- 1981
- Best Doctor Award – Rotary Club – 2007
- Best Doctor Award – Collector – 1991, 1993, 2006
- Best Doctor Award – Government of AP – 1995
- 1997 – Commendation – AP Government