The pancha punya kshetrams are five places holy to the practicers of Siddha Vidya, and initiates are required to visit them. If practicers of Siddha Vidya take darshan of these five places, then their lives will become fruitful.
1. Kamannavalasa

First on our tour of the Kshetrams is Kamannavalasa. It is the tomb of Sri Sri Sri Gurudev Swami Ramananda Paramhansa. It is located in the Vijayanagaram District, A.P., India. Everyone who learns Siddha Vidya comes to visit this place and get darshan.
Please take the permission with a phone call or whatsapp to visit Ashram. Ph number +91 94926 19215. Children under 10 years of age are not allowed. Address: 11-34 Cement Road Donkinavalasa via Badangi, Kamannavalasa, A,P. 535578.
2. Dhavaleswaram
Secondly, there is Dhavaleswaram cave. Sri Swamiji Ramananda paramahamsa did penance in a small cave called Narada Guha in Dhavaleswaram, a village beside Rajahmundry. This cave is next to the Lakshmi Janardhana Swamy Temple on the banks of river Godavari. Initiates have to take darshan here. For several years, Swamiji did penance in a cave in the Janardhana Swami Temple in the Dhawalagiri hills infested with snakes, he is also called Pamulaswamy.

3. Vijayawada/Bhavanipuram

After that, the third in Pancha Punya Kshetram is in Bhavanipuram of Vijayawada, which our Gurudev established. In that Ashram, there is a Hut, where he did penance. It is called Dhyana Kuteeram.
Once, a fire broke out on the other side of the Bhawanipuram Ashram when Sri Swamiji was on Chaturmasa Deeksha. The fires could not touch Sri Swamiji’s hut witnessed by many.
In addition, initiates have to do Japam in that Hut and take darshan of the Padukas and the room where Swamiji did penance.
Once you visit the first three kshetrams, you can progress to 4th and 5th.
4. Palani
Param Guru His Holiness Sri Swami Shivananda Paramahamsa lived up to 75 years of age and attained Jeeva Samadhi on 21st of June 1949 on the way to Kodai Canal, in this sacred town called Palani. The Ashram is called Akhila Ulaga Siddha Vidya Abhivruthi Sangam. There is a Tomb with white marble and a room beside it. There is an underground cellar in that room. Shri Shivananda Paramahansa has done penance in that cellar for a long time. If you go into that room and do Siddha Yogam once in the darkness, the fire of life and many scintillations will be visible to you.

In addition, it is either divine or intentional that same day June 21st is declared as World Yoga Day. The body of Shri Shivananda Paramahamsar was taken from Palani to Vatakara for Samadhi. As they placed the samadhi body in car his forehead had a tiny scratch, small amount of blood oozed out. This proves that yogis when they take samadhi the life force ‘prana’ is inside, even though there is no respirations outside they are still alive.
‘Natasya prana utkramanti atriva samavaliyante’ (Brihadaranyakopanishath).
5. Vadakara

Siddha samaj P.O. Makool peedika, Vatakara, Kerala 673104, India
Lastly, Vadakara is the fifth Punya Kshetram. On June 21st 1949 His Holiness Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa attained Jeeva Samadhi. His Jeeva Samadhi is in Siddha Samaj Head Office in Vatakara, Kerala, India